Weekly Photo: Future

Text and Photo by Nora Vasconcelos

The time to come.
The time to come.

Quite interesting that the ‘Future‘ has suddenly become present in my latest posts, although, I have to say that’s rather hard to represent it with an image, but after thinking about it for a while, I’ve come up with this idea of a train station that shows the empty tracks after the trains have left, and the momentarily empty space awaits for the future trains and passangers to fill the building with their hurries, their noise and the anxiety, all those things that come with the expectation of reaching a faraway place.

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Weekly Photo: Neighborhood

Photo by Nora Vasconcelos

A peaceful stroll.
A peaceful stroll.

One of the things I enjoy the most is to wander around the city streets.

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Weekly Photo: Lost in the Details

Photo by Nora Vasconcelos

So many things to observe.
So many things to observe.

One of the most wonderful things about taking pictures is that once that we can see them we can appreciate many things that may be we didn’t have the time to see while in the spot because we were in a hurry or because we simply didn’t see them at that moment. Photos also give us the chance to go over an over a certain image or scene that we really liked and it make us feel almost as if we were back there once again.

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